Specialized Services
Often building departments struggle with keeping the fees for building permits, by-laws and websites up to date with the ever-changing needs to the customer and department as well as OBC requirements. Creating and updating these types of projects are time consuming and don’t often fit into the day-to-day priorities when there are many other aspects such as inspections and plans review and that take precedence on staff time.

Common Problems Municipalities Face and the solutions that we provide
Solution Building By-Law and Code of Conduct Reviews
Problem Outdated building department fee structure that does not pay for the department operations
Solution Building Permit Fee Review Studies
Problem Outdated website content or no building department webpage where the customers don’t have self serve information
Solution Webpage updates and development
Problem Support for CBO who may not have all qualifications to make a decision, or would like to support and an unbiased opinion
Solution Third Party Reviews
to support a CBO with their independent decisions by providing a review with an unbiased approach
Problem Staff and Council may not understand each others roles in the enforcement and administration of the BCA and OBC which is Provincial regulation
Solution Individualized Council Presentations
to help council and staff understand the roles that must be in place during enforcement of the BCA and OBC
We offer the knowledge and resources of specialized seasoned associates.
Specialized Services Projects
RSM Building Consultants has provided electronic plan reviewing services to multiple projects across Ontario.

Roxanne Drive Apartments
Plans Examination

Groves Mill Hospital
Township of Centre Wellington
Plans Examination
Municipalities we provide specialized services for

TestimonialsWhat our clients are saying
Chris Peck
Chief Building OfficialI’d lost a staff member, our numbers were through the roof, our services levels were going down. We were struggling to keep up, and then we lost that person; then it just became untenable. Throughout the years I’ve been aware of what Gerald’s doing, and what he’s doing now really fit in with the needs that I had. He’s the guy I turned to. When we can’t deal with the workload with the personnel we have on staff, we turn to Gerald, whether through helping out with plan review or building inspections; that’s the assistance that he provides.