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Spatial Separation

Fire safety is a critical aspect of building design, particularly when it comes to ensuring that fire does not spread between buildings. In this pre-recorded webinar, expert presenter Gerald Moore dives into the concept of spatial separation and how to apply the relevant Ontario Building Code (OBC) requirements. Learn how to effectively incorporate spatial separation into your designs to maintain safety and comply with OBC regulations.

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What You'll Learn

- Understanding spatial separation requirements in the Ontario Building Code

- Fire-resistance ratings and their impact on building design

- Proper distance between buildings for fire safety

- Techniques for ensuring fire containment through design

- Practical examples and compliance tips

Stay ahead in building design - watch now to master spatial separation and ensure your projects meet OBC fire safety standards!


Who should watch this webinar?

All of our webinars are designed to provide valuable information for Building Officials, Designers, and Builders that want to better understand compliance with the Ontario Building Code.

How long do I get access to the webinar?

You will have access to the content for 30 days. During the 30 days, you can view the webinar as many times as you'd like. 

Are there prerequisites?

There are no prerequisites for this webinar. It is our intention to design the course in a way that benefits participants of all experience levels. 

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Fees include workshop, resource material & lunch.